Lelia Green
Lelia Green is an educator, professor, and a senior lecturer at the School of Communications at Edith Cowan University, Perth. She is the author of Technoculture: From Alphabet to Cybersex and the editor of Framing Technology: Society, Choice and Change.
In her book, Green defines technoculture as the integration of new communication technologies into a society, as she explores the effects of the digital age on society, its structure, and policy creation.
Green argues that technological advancements are the result of the choices and priorities of the powerful social elite, who she identifies as the “A, B and C of social power” (the armed forces, the bureaucracy, and the corporate sector), showing that these powerful groups, rather than the whole of society, ensure that technological developments are implemented and accepted. Green also notes that with globalisation, these Western power elites are exporting their ideas and technologies to other cultures and societies around the world, and these societies in turn affect the way the technology is used.