My devices are sending and receiving data every two seconds, sometimes even when I sleep

blockquote>When I decided to record every time my phone or laptop contacted a server on the internet, I knew I’d get a lot of data, but I honestly didn’t think it would reveal nearly 300,000 requests in a single week.

On average, that’s about one request every two seconds.

Are your devices sending and receiving data when you’re not using them?

They sure are. The quietest times fall — predictably — overnight. But even while I’m sleeping my devices are pretty busy talking to various companies. For example, here are the 841 times my devices made contact with 46 different domains between 10pm and 6:30am on the second night of the experiment. Most of these requests are background updates for things like my email and calendar or synchronisation that various apps like Dropbox or iCloud perform.

But exactly what each of them is doing is quite difficult to tell.