Modern Workplace Tech Linked To Lower Employee Well-Being, Study Finds

According to a new study from the Institute for the Future of Work, contemporary technology often has a negative impact on workers’ quality of life. The think tank surveyed over 6,000 people to learn how four categories of workplace technologies affected their wellbeing. TechSpot reports the findings:

The study found that increased exposure to three of the categories tended to worsen workers’ mental state and health. The three areas that negatively impact people most are wearable and remote sensing technologies, which covers CCTV cameras and wearable trackers; robotics, consisting of automated machines, self-driving vehicles, and other equipment; and, unsurprisingly, technologies relating to AI and ML, which includes everything from decision management to biometrics. Only one of the categories was found to be beneficial to employees, and it’s one that has been around for decades: ICT tech such as laptops, tablets, phones, and real-time messaging tools.