EFF Surveillance Self-Defence
Modern technology has given those in power new abilities to eavesdrop and collect data on innocent people. Surveillance Self-Defense is EFF’s guide to defending yourself and your friends from surveillance by using secure technology and developing careful practices.
How to Make a Super-Secure Password Using Dice
Protecting Your Device From Hackers
Using Password Managers to Stay Safe Online
Assessing Your Risks
Choosing Your Tools
Communicating with Others
Creating Strong Passwords
Keeping Your Data Safe
Seven Steps To Digital Security
What Is Encryption?
Why Metadata Matters
How to: Avoid Phishing Attacks
How to: Circumvent Online Censorship
How to: Delete your Data Securely on Linux
How to: Delete Your Data Securely on Mac OS X
How to: Delete Your Data Securely on Windows
How to: Enable Two-factor Authentication
How to: Encrypt Your iPhone
How to: Install Tor Messenger (beta) for macOS
How to: Use KeePassX
How to: Use OTR for Mac
How to: Use OTR for Windows
How to: Use OTR on Linux
How to: Use PGP for Linux
How to: Use PGP for Mac OS X
How to: Use PGP for Windows
How to: Use Signal for Android
How to: Use Signal on iOS
How to: Use Tor for Linux
How to: Use Tor for Windows
How to: Use Tor Messenger (beta) for macOS
How to: Use Tor on macOS
How to: Use WhatsApp on Android
How to: Use WhatsApp on iOS
An Introduction to Public Key Cryptography and PGP
Attending Protests (International)
Attending Protests (United States)
Choosing the VPN That’s Right for You
Facebook Groups: Reducing Risks
How Do I Protect Myself Against Malware?
Key Verification
Protecting Yourself on Social Networks
The Problem with Mobile Phones
Things to Consider When Crossing the US Border